For fast and safe bee removal call us: 083 652 0760 Bee removal companyLees gerus hierdie bladsy in Afrikaans We are a company based in South Africa that specialises in bee removals. We specialise in removing bees from urban and suburban areas to relocate the bees onto farms. Because bees can be a danger to people, it is best to let professionals with the right equipment to remove bees from your home. We are those professionals. Our expertise dates back many years, so you can count on us to do a good job. We remove bees in:
We are bee removers, not bee-keepers. Most bees are relocated to farms where they are used to polinate crops and produce honey and bees wax. We also sell bee hives to beginner bee keepers to get them started with their trade. Because we specialise in the removing of bees we subscribe to the codes of conduct as laid out by the Bee Removers Association of South Africa. (BRASA) Which ensures that we have safety at the top of our list of priorities. We are not only bee removers but also bee-keepers and as such are registered with the department of agriculture to deal with bees and as part of this process procured public liability insurance to the value of R2 million. Areas, Time and Cost of bee removalsWe travel to most areas in Bee removal in Johannesburg has never been easier Good quality bee removal service
Bees are very mystical and important insects. They provide us with sweet honey which is used for many healing and medical reasons. With this in mind, we make sure to remove them as safely as possible, in the process making sure to deliver a good quality service. Getting rid of bees does to have to be a hassle any more, we are here to make sure the job is done, quickly and safely. We try our level best to keep our clients safe and happy, and also do our best not to harm the bees in the process.
In this video we see how a bee remover takes bees from a bird box and relocates them into a hive which he will leave at the same spot as the bird box in order to orient the bees to their new home. This is a relatively small colony of bees. He could not find the queen in order to isolate her and encourage the othe bees to follow but she would have been in the bird box surrounded by worker bees. Bee removal in one's homeMost of us would get really worried at the sight of a large colony of bees inhabiting our home. This is only natural seeing as bees are known to sting. Having bees in your home when you are allergic to bees is highly risky and could be life threatening. The best solution to this problem would be to have the bees removed by a professional from your home.
Bee removal methods differ. The bee-keeper will have his own way, and the bee removal specialist will use his own method. Again, this depends on whether the bees have built a hive or not and how much brood there is. The key to successful bee removal is to capture the queen and as many of the worker bees as possible. It is important to get the queen into the box because wherever the queen goes, the rest of the swarm will follow. Most bees are not aggresive unless you approach them or cut grass near them. A bee removal specialist must be called in if a hive is already in
existence. It is best to approach bee hives early in the morning, or
late in the afternoon. This is when the bees are in their hive and least
likely to sting. He will have to find the hive and get rid of the
Killing the bees is never a great option because they benefit the environment. When the queen and as many of the worker bees are captured it is best to destroy the hive and remove as much of the bee infrastructure as possible. Bees are never out to get us, generally they are just looking for a place to build their hive, take care of their queen and make a little bit of honey. The only danger with bees is the possibility of being stung when one is allergic. Removing the bees serves them well because they are moved to a much better and more controlled environment. Whenever there is a bee infestation in one's home, it is always best to have it removed before it causes any major problems. What happens to the bees once we remove them?In nature bees face a vast number of obstacles and threats in the form of predators, lack of food sources and disease. The number of bees world wide has started to dwindle and this is a concern to all of us because of the far reaching impact this will have on the world food supply. Chiefly for humane reasons we do our utmost not to harm the bees at all. We remove bees rather than exterminate them. These bees are then taken along with their queen and rehoused in hives. Once they have made themselves at home we transport the hive in it's entirity to a farm where the bees can continue to forage and expand their colony. Bee SeasonYou may have heard the term 'Bee Season' before, this is how bee-keepers and others people dependent on bees refer to the period of activity in which bees become more visible an are seen to be pollinating plants and flowers and collecting pollen for their own larders. Bees are less active in the colder months as the lower temperatures make it difficult for them to fly and the forage decreases. The chief purpose of bees during the colder months is to look after the queen, this means keeping her safe and warm. Worker bees will form a cluster around the queen and flutter their wings while vibrating their bodies in order to generate heat to keep her warm. As the warmer months approach more and more bees will leave the hive in an attempt to replenish the honey stores which will have been depleted during the winter months. They will have to fly far from the hive in order to look for any early blooming plants. Once spring arrives and plants start to bloom the number of bees that are out and about will have increased dramatically. This is also when farmers have planted their crops and fruit trees will have their blossoms just waiting to be pollinated. If you worked or lived in a farming community or have a you own fruit trees and a vegetable garden you should see a great number of bees over the next 6 to eight months. For as long as gardens are blooming it can be considered bee season. This is also why you may not notice if you have a bee infestation in your home or garden until the spring. Bees have been known to inhabit strange venues, let's take a look at some of the least expected places bees have built their hives. Last updated 7 January 2015 |
Buzz Bee Removals 083 652 0760 (branches throughout South Africa) 083 652 0760 |
We are proud members of The Bee Removal Associtation of South Africa