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Bee removal in Bryanston

For the best bee removal company in Johannesburg contact: or 082 901 8649

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Classed as a suburb for a little over 40years, Bryanston has established itself away from the hustle and bustle of Johannesburg city and Sandton City. Although chiefly a residential neighbourhood Bryanston is the location of 'the Campus' which is home to a number of large corporations which need no introduction. Tiger brands, and Microsoft Corporation are but two of these businesses.

Large office parks and leafy suburbs, sound like the ideal home to a swarm of bees. There will be a myriad of places in which a beehive can be built. All the amenities will be there: food, water, a relatively secluded spot for building a hive.

Rather than try to catch the bees yourself and run the risk of getting stung, give us a call and we will have a bee remover at your door, ready to remove the bees from the property.

All our beekeepers are aware of the preciousness of these little lives and will do their utmost to remove the bees as safely and humanely as they can. Exterminating is our very last option and it's a route we are loathe to consider. So if you would like to see safe relocation of the bees, make us your first choice in Bee Removal.


Call now: 082 901 8649 (branches throughout South Africa)


Last updated November 2013

Buzz Bee Removals
082 901 8649 (branches throughout South Africa)

We are proud members of The Bee Removal Associtation of South Africa